package net.abesto.kotlin.js.pixi.examples.example_12b import kotlin.browser.* import net.abesto.kotlin.js.pixi.requestAnimFrame import net.abesto.kotlin.js.pixi.loaders.AssetLoader import net.abesto.kotlin.js.pixi.display.Stage import net.abesto.kotlin.js.pixi.utils.autoDetectRenderer import net.abesto.kotlin.js.pixi.extras.Spine import net.abesto.kotlin.js.pixi.display.Sprite import net.abesto.kotlin.js.pixi.display.DisplayObjectContainer fun main(args: Array) { // create an array of assets to load val assetsToLoader = array("logo_small.png", "data/dragon.json") // create a new loader val loader = AssetLoader(assetsToLoader) //begin load loader.load() // create an new instance of a pixi stage val stage = Stage(0xFFFFFF, true) // create a renderer instance val renderer = autoDetectRenderer(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight) // set the canvas width and height to fill the screen"display", "block", "") // add render view to DOM document.body!!.appendChild(renderer.view) var dragon: Spine fun animate() { requestAnimFrame(::animate) /* update the spine animation, only needed if autoupdate is set to false */ dragon.update(0.01666666666667) // HARDCODED FRAMERATE! renderer.render(stage) } fun onAssetsLoaded() { /* instantiate the spine animation */ dragon = Spine("data/dragon.json") dragon.skeleton.setToSetupPose() dragon.update(0) dragon.autoUpdate = false /* create a container for the spine animation and add the animation to it */ val dragonCage = DisplayObjectContainer() dragonCage.addChild(dragon) /* measure the spine animation and position it inside its container to align it to the origin */ val localRect = dragon.getLocalBounds() dragon.position.set(-localRect.x, -localRect.y) /* now we can scale, position and rotate the container as any other display object */ val scale = Math.min((window.innerWidth * 0.7) / dragonCage.width, (window.innerHeight * 0.7) / dragonCage.height) dragonCage.scale.set(scale, scale) dragonCage.position.set((window.innerWidth - dragonCage.width) * 0.5, (window.innerHeight - dragonCage.height) * 0.5) /* add the container to the stage */ stage.addChild(dragonCage) /* once position and scaled, set the animation to play */ dragon.state.setAnimationByName(0, "flying", true) val logo = Sprite.fromImage("logo_small.png") stage.addChild(logo) logo.anchor.x = 1.0 logo.position.x = window.innerWidth logo.scale.x = 0.5 logo.scale.y = logo.scale.x logo.position.y = window.innerHeight - 70 logo.interactive = true logo.buttonMode = true = {"", "_blank") } logo.tap = requestAnimFrame(::animate) } // use callback loader.onComplete = ::onAssetsLoaded }