package net.abesto.kotlin.js.pixi.examples.example_10 import kotlin.browser.* import org.w3c.dom.* import net.abesto.kotlin.js.pixi.requestAnimFrame import net.abesto.kotlin.js.pixi.TextStyle import net.abesto.kotlin.js.pixi.display.Stage import net.abesto.kotlin.js.pixi.display.Sprite import net.abesto.kotlin.js.pixi.text.Text import net.abesto.kotlin.js.pixi.loaders.AssetLoader import net.abesto.kotlin.js.pixi.text.BitmapText import net.abesto.kotlin.js.pixi.utils.autoDetectRenderer import net.abesto.kotlin.js.pixi.text.BitmapTextStyle class WebFontFamilies(vararg val families: String) class WebFontConfig( val google: WebFontFamilies, val active: () -> Unit ) // This trick coupled with (window as WebFontWindow) allows us to set global variables on the Window object. // In our example it's needed to configure the async webfont loader. native interface WebFontWindow : Window { var WebFontConfig: WebFontConfig } fun main(args: Array) { fun init() { // create an new instance of a pixi stage val stage = Stage(0x66FF99) // add a shiney background.. var background = Sprite.fromImage("textDemoBG.jpg") stage.addChild(background) var count = 0 var score = 0 // create some white text using the Snippet webfont var textSample = Text("Pixi.js can has\nmultiline text!", { val s = TextStyle() s.font = "35px Snippet" s.fill = "white" s.align = "left" s }()) textSample.position.x = 20.0 textSample.position.y = 20.0 // create a text object with a nice stroke var spinningText = Text("I'm fun!", { val s = TextStyle() s.font = "bold 60px Podkova" s.fill = "#cc00ff" s.align = "center" s.stroke = "#FFFFFF" s.strokeThickness = 6 s }()) // setting the anchor point to 0.5 will center align the text... great for spinning! spinningText.anchor.x = 0.5 spinningText.anchor.y = spinningText.anchor.x spinningText.position.x = 620.0 / 2 spinningText.position.y = 400.0 / 2 // create a text object that will be updated.. var countingText = Text("COUNT 4EVAR: 0", { val s = TextStyle() s.font = "bold italic 60px Arvo" s.fill = "#3e1707" s.align = "center" s.stroke = "#a4410e" s.strokeThickness = 7 s }()) countingText.position.x = 620.0 / 2 countingText.position.y = 320.0 countingText.anchor.x = 0.5 stage.addChild(textSample) stage.addChild(spinningText) stage.addChild(countingText) // create a new loader var assetsToLoader = arrayOf("desyrel.fnt") var loader = AssetLoader(assetsToLoader) // use callback fun onAssetsLoaded() { val bitmapFontText = BitmapText("bitmap fonts are\n now supported!", { val s = BitmapTextStyle() s.font = "35px Desyrel" s.align = "right" s }()) bitmapFontText.position.x = 620 - bitmapFontText.width - 20 bitmapFontText.position.y = 20.0 stage.addChild(bitmapFontText) } loader.onComplete = ::onAssetsLoaded //begin load loader.load() // create a renderer instance var renderer = autoDetectRenderer(620, 400) // add the renderer view element to the DOM document.body!!.appendChild(renderer.view) fun animate() { requestAnimFrame(::animate) count++ if (count == 50) { count = 0 score++ // update the text... countingText.setText("COUNT 4EVAR: " + score) } // just for fun, lets rotate the text spinningText.rotation += 0.03 // render the stage renderer.render(stage) } requestAnimFrame(::animate) } // Load them google fonts before starting...! (window as WebFontWindow).WebFontConfig = WebFontConfig( google = WebFontFamilies("Snippet", "Arvo:700italic", "Podkova:700"), active = ::init ) val wf = document.createElement("script") wf.setAttribute("src", (if ("https:" == window.location.protocol) { "https" } else { "http" }) + "://") wf.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript") wf.setAttribute("async", "true") val s = document.getElementsByTagName("script").item(0)!! s.parentNode!!.insertBefore(wf, s) }